48 Hour Film Festival uses salvaged props from the re!


TONIGHT is the screening of the final projects from this year’s 48 Hour Film Festival! The event will show 22 original short films all written, made, and edited in a 48 Hour Weekend Whirlwind!


Filmmakers from the PictureLock Collective Team came into The Resource Exchange to purchase and rent materials for the cop-themed short. Here are some stills from the production, which feature a POLICE sign that the re saved from the set of a major motion picture (we’re glad to see it back on screen again!) The team also bought items for set decoration, like the coffee carafe pictured, a police magnet, flashlights, and even breakaway mirrors and faux wood beams for cool-police-getaway-action shots! Watch the trailer closely and you can see the breakaway wood beams from our store being split in the air!

Screen Shot 2016-08-24 at 4.19.40 PM

The police short that uses materials from The Resource Exchange and Directed by Mike Greenberg can be seen as part of the festival screening tonight at The Painted Bride Art Center. Visit the FACEBOOK PAGE to find out more about attending. Great job to all filmmakers involved, and thanks PictureLock Collective for using materials that we diverted from landfill instead of buying all new!