Reclaimed PVC Pipe from InterAct Theater

InterAct theater recently donated over 170 10-ft 4” PVC pipes from the set of the recent play, “Uncanny Valley”.  Part of our mission here at The Resource Exchange is to play our part in making sure that useable materials like these stay out of landfills and are utilized again here in our region by local artists, builders etc.  What will you do with them?  Whether you are using them as actual drainage pipes or have a great reclaimed sculpture concept for them, or even a set design for a play, they are here for you!  To see more from InterAct Theater, you can visit their website here.

Courtesy of InterAct Theater Company, 2015.

From the recent production “Uncanny Valley”.  Photo courtesy of InterAct Theater Company, 2015.

Interact:white tubes in truck

Interact:white tubes in truck closeInteract:white tubes with Happy Spring!