Match the lamp with the re staff member!

Meet the Lamps…

1. The Epic Horse Lamp

horse lampSo beautiful, it’s blinding!  This majestic horse lamp stunned and amazed Resource Exchange staff member __________ when it was donated, so it was promptly purchased for his or her home! Wait, wait, let’s get a closer look…oooooo

horse lamp up close

2. The Dazzling Vintage Cherub Lamp

vintage lamp blog!This beautiful and shiny lamp lives with one lucky re team member. Trash picked off of the street _________ says, “can you believe it?  Cherubs on the the street! Who would get rid of this teasure?!”






3. And Lastly…The Funny Fruit Lamp!

Dylan Lamp__________ couldn’t stop staring at this awesome fruit lamp while it was in the store.

Which weird, salvaged, vintage, and reclaimed lamp belongs to which wacky re staff member?

karyn, alson, dylan at winterfest

Is it Dylan? chipper lumberjack, vegan, and friend to all squirrels.  He’s likely to be sawing something when you walk into The Resource Exchange.  Is it Alison? Currently the gimp of the group, you may catch her limping about the store often saying, “it’s going to be great!”  Could it be Karyn? Executive Director extraordinaire, only spotted in flashes  going by, almost always doing multiple tasks at once.

Answers below!

Answer key: Dylan-Fruit Lamp, Alison-Horse Lamp, Karyn-Vintage Cherub Lamp